Garden Week Mostly in Purple

This week has been characterized by strong wind and chilly weather.
After the hot & sunny May we are back to normal :)
The DRAUGHT is severe and many plants suffer despite of watering.
Rhododendron Catawbiense  'Roseum Elegans' or 'Grandiflorum'
I have only two rhododendrons and they are really sad looking in this draught.
Some blooms anyhow, this puple is Catawbiense 'Roseum Elegans' or 'Grandiflorum'.
The shrub is big and old, I do hope it survives.

Cornus alba 'Gouchhaultii' - Keltakirjokanukka
I have blue & dark purple pansies in five containers together with lime mummularia...
Somehow alliums are far less and smaller than last year, and also many aquilegias seem to have disappeared.

My post in 2017 of alliums & this rhododendron
Meconopsis cambrica - Keltavaleunikko / Hemerocallis - Keltapäivänlilja
Plantago media - Soikkoratamo
Plantago media is a fun plant that I like very much. It self sows eagerly in odd places...

But despite the weather I have found this and that to do in my outdoor gym.
Soon I'll be super fit!
Me and Sissi wish you a relaxing weekend!

My husband bought himself new running shoes and Sissi loves the cardboard box ❤︎
Centaurea montana, purple - Liila vuorikaunokki

#Floral Friday Fotos

Enjoy the summer despite the weather!

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